Category: Andrew Carnegie

  • 11 Personal/Self-Development Tools that can make you money

    11 Personal/Self-Development Tools that can make you money

    There are many tools that could be used on a daily basis that can assist you in your personal and self-development.  Below is a list of the ones that I have found to be the most useful for me.  I have found that investing time and energy in each of the areas below have made…

  • Before or After work

    Before or After work

    I have had some what of a revolutionary discovery for my self. Almost three years ago, I decided to start doing my workouts (gym time) in the morning, instead of the evening.  When I did this I also started a more intentional growth plan for myself, that included reading something every day for at least…

  • Self Discipline

    Self Discipline

    Andrew Carnegie stated that the greatest and the most essential ingredient to success is Self Discipline. Self discipline is complete control over ones mind which in turn complete control over their actions. I don’t know about you, but sometimes my self-discipline is absent.  I allow life or circumstances to get in my way. Mr. Carnegie…

  • Motives are the beginning of all desires

    Motives are the beginning of all desires

    Dr. Napoleon Hill asked Mr. Andrew Carnegie:  Was your major motive to make money? Mr. Carnegie replied with: NO, my major motive always has been that of making men more useful to themselves and to others. What a worthwhile motive Mr. Carnegie had.  With inflation factored in, Mr. Carnegie hits the list as one of…

  • Definiteness of Purpose

    Definiteness of Purpose

    I have read the famed “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill.  I am currently reading “The Wisdom of Andrew Carnegie as Told To Napoleon Hill.”  The 17 principles outlined in this masterpiece is actually the original conversation that Dr. Hill and Mr. Carnegie had, prior to the 20 years of research that Dr. Hill…

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