Category: Dale Carnegie

  • Three truths you need, but you don’t want…

    Three truths you need, but you don’t want…

    On a daily basis it is my job to give others, feedback in areas of their life and their career.  Most of the feedback I provide is not harsh, but it is usually met with some resistance.  Now I know it is important to give the good feedback with the bad. However, most leaders/coaches are…

  • Did you know that is tweetable?…What is that?

    Did you know that is tweetable?…What is that?

    At times in our lives we all have a chance to talk to and be around people who are much wiser than we are.  Sometimes acknowledging and noticing this, and then trying to use this information to your advantage, can lead to more success for you. You just have to be aware when you see…

  • The Four Self’s

    The Four Self’s

    In the Leadership Training for Managers course from Dale Carnegie  we discuss the Empowerment Cycle that managers can use to coach employees to improve their performance. The empowerment cycle can not only be used as a manager or leader, but we can use it to improve our own performance in our everyday lives. 1st Self:…

  • Are these 7 things holding your business back?

    Are these 7 things holding your business back?

    In 2012, Dale Carnegie and associates conducted a study in over 80 countries and across businesses large and small.  This study was conducted to see what the needs were in all of these organizations across the world. The most valuable asset in any company are the people who make up the organization.  A company can…

  • Say my name, Say my name

    Say my name, Say my name

    Destiny’s Child has a song by this title.  And I think the song has something to do with a boyfriend not calling his girl by her name nor is he calling her baby like he used to, and she is upset thinking he is cheating or something. I am not an expert on music, especially…

  • Genuine Appreciation

    Genuine Appreciation

    Most of you who read this blog know that I am certified trainer through Dale Carnegie Training.  Dale Carnegie is 102 year old training company founded by Dale Carnegie and the foundations of all of the training courses are centered around the 30 Human Relation Principles. As a trainer I continue to see this lesson,…

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