Category: personal devleopment

  • Don’t hit the snooze button

    Don’t hit the snooze button

    I am the type of person that usually gets up before my alarm clock goes off in the morning.  Actually, most mornings it is well before it goes off.  I have that internal clock now that just knows when it is time to go.  Each morning there a few ways that we all can be…

  • “Never Go Back”

    “Never Go Back”

    I just finished an awesome book.  I was so inspired by it that I finished it in one sitting.  That is really big for me. The name of the book is “Never Go Back” 10 Things You’ll never do again, the author is Dr. Henry Cloud.  This book was recommended to me by Dave Ramsey.  What was…

  • Are you in a Growth Environment?

    Are you in a Growth Environment?

    I heard this lesson years ago from my mentor John C. Maxwell.  Many of the elements he suggests for a growth environment have inspired my leadership style and my thinking to develop a growth environment for people in my circle. This morning as I look at my 2014 goals and see which ones I have…

  • Only A players wanted

    Only A players wanted

    In the world of sports you have first string and second string.  You have your A players and what is called B players.  For those people who are not as familiar with sports maybe you are more familiar with celebrities.  A-list actors are exceptionally successful, their notoriety extends beyond the silver screen, and their name…

  • Invest in you first

    Invest in you first

    I am a process person, I can learn anything and do anything as long as there is a process.  Throughout grade school and my teens, I understood money.  I made it and spent it, that was my understanding of it.  That was the depth of my knowledge.  I don’t recall learning a very solid financial…

  • Willpower is finite…

    Willpower is finite…

    I am reading the book “Start” by Jon Acuff.  I am half way through it, and it has me so motivated.  In one of the chapters he focuses on willpower.  I consider myself to have a lot of willpower, but as he states, willpower is finite. I remember, when I was about 14 my buddy…

  • Which one is more important?

    Which one is more important?

    I have several morning routines, but there are two that are very critical for me to get my day started.  They are having my morning coffee and reading for at least thirty minutes. My definition of reading is something educational, motivational, or inspirational.  Most mornings I do them at the same time, which works out,…

  • 11 Personal/Self-Development Tools that can make you money

    11 Personal/Self-Development Tools that can make you money

    There are many tools that could be used on a daily basis that can assist you in your personal and self-development.  Below is a list of the ones that I have found to be the most useful for me.  I have found that investing time and energy in each of the areas below have made…

  • The Daily Miracle

    The Daily Miracle

    “Philosophers have explained space. They have not explained time. It is the inexplicable raw material of everything. With it, all is possible; without it, nothing. The supply of time is truly a daily miracle, an affair genuinely astonishing when one examines it. You wake up in the morning, and lo! your purse is magically filled…

  • Choose Excellence!

    Choose Excellence!

    One of my favorite coaches and leadership mentors is Vince Lombardi.  One of his most notable quotes is “Strive for perfection and settle for excellence.”  I think he goes on to say, that perfection may not be attainable, but when you fall short of perfection and land in excellence, you are still in a good…

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