Tag: real estate

  • What is a “buy box” and other key essentials to successful real estate investing.

    What is a “buy box” and other key essentials to successful real estate investing.

    When becoming an investor in real estate it’s important to have a solid understanding of the market and a strategic approach. Many people in the space often call their approach a “buy box.” What is a buy box? It is a set of characteristics that you have already established on the front end of investing…

  • 5 Key Reasons Why Price Stability Matters: The Importance of Low Inflation for a Strong Economy”

    5 Key Reasons Why Price Stability Matters: The Importance of Low Inflation for a Strong Economy”

    Price stability and low inflation are crucial for a healthy and stable economy. Overall, high inflation can have detrimental effects on the economy, including reduced purchasing power, increased uncertainty, income redistribution issues, disrupted investment and savings patterns, challenges in international competitiveness, and policy difficulties for central banks. It is important for policymakers to address inflationary…

  • Demystifying Present Value: Unlocking the Power of Financial Evaluation

    Demystifying Present Value: Unlocking the Power of Financial Evaluation

    Present value, in finance and investment, refers to the concept of determining the current worth of a future sum of money or a series of cash flows, discounted to reflect the time value of money. It is a method used to evaluate the profitability or attractiveness of an investment opportunity. When it comes to real…

  • How can I save and invest more money?

    How can I save and invest more money?

    Author James Clear in his monumental best selling book, and the one book I highly recommend everyone read at least twice has a lot to say about the 1% rule. The 1 Percent Rule states that over time the majority of the rewards in a given field will accumulate to the people, teams, and organizations…

  • Why you will Never be able to Save yourself in to wealth.

    Why you will Never be able to Save yourself in to wealth.

    One of the old adages I have heard a million times is this exact phrase. You can’t save yourself in to being wealthy. Translation: You can’t only save money and expect to accumulate wealth. It is impossible. The money you made yesterday is worth less than it is today. And it will be worth less…

  • 3 reasons I know your financial situation will never change for the better.

    3 reasons I know your financial situation will never change for the better.

    Over the the last six months I have devoted much of my writing to finances, real estate, and the overall economics of life. As I have made that transition, some of the topics I have written about can really get people motivated to push back on some of my positions. I personally love the banter.…

  • Why your housing costs should not exceed 25% of your take home pay.

    Why your housing costs should not exceed 25% of your take home pay.

    A lot of people need guidelines in life to help them know whether or not they are doing what they are supposed to do. Or put another way, the way that will help them be successful. The 25% rule is one that many of the financial experts use. But where does it actually come from?…

  • How to make an extra $1000 dollars and why you should do it.

    How to make an extra $1000 dollars and why you should do it.

    Is it really possible to make an extra thousand dollars in today’s economy? I personally believe it is easier today than it ever has been. The problem is most people aren’t willing to do what it takes to get the money. I can remember in the early 2000’s when I was in my early twenties.…

  • The fast rising Interest Rates explained.

    The fast rising Interest Rates explained.

    Unless you are living under a rock, then you know that the current overall economy isn’t doing that well. No matter the spin coming from the White House and its aligned corporate media telling you other wise, here is the truth. Three things are impacting the economy. Well, four if you count the overall incompetence…

  • How much money do I need to retire?

    How much money do I need to retire?

    Well as you can imagine, the amount of money necessary to retire can vary from person to person. It depends on the lifestyle you want or you have grown accustomed to. The general rule of thumb is the “4% rule,” which suggests that you should plan to withdraw 4% of your retirement savings in the…

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