Tag: sales management

  • 21 reasons your Admissions Representatives aren’t motivated

    21 reasons your Admissions Representatives aren’t motivated

    I have been in the higher education sector for the last fifteen years of my career.  Primarily working with admissions managers and admissions representatives. I have worked in the for-profit sector, the non-profit private sector, and even the public sector. As a manager myself for many years, and as a consultant for just as many,…

  • 3 Reasons why people say they hate sales people, but shouldn’t.

    3 Reasons why people say they hate sales people, but shouldn’t.

    I can’t tell you how many times I have heard people say that they hate sales people.  And my response is always the same. “You hate people who help you solve problems you didn’t know you had, or maybe you did know that you had them, and you’ve had them forever, and the salesperson is…

  • When sales people do this one thing it guarantees more closed deals.

    When sales people do this one thing it guarantees more closed deals.

    In sales, and in my sales training workshops, I have always reminded people of this one simple fact of sales:  When a buyer seeks to buy something, they will make the purchase when the value of whatever the solution (thing, object, service, etc.) that they are buying, exceeds the cost.  Simply stated: When the perceived…

  • The one thing sales people must sell, but very rarely do.

    Everybody wants a guarantee that it will work.  You do, I do, and so does everyone else. Is this even realistic though?  Absolutely not. We all have to take a chance and jump in on whatever it is.  You have to buy the new car.  Upgrade the cell phone.  Upgrade the software.  Purchase the product.…

  • The sh*t sandwich method leaders use and should stop, use this instead.

    The sh*t sandwich method leaders use and should stop, use this instead.

    If you are like most leaders you are making your way in to work today and there is someone on your team that you need to give some hard feedback to at this very moment.  The chances are you have been delaying it for days at least, probably months, and some of you have been…

  • How to leave a voicemail that prospects will bend over backwards to return

    How to leave a voicemail that prospects will bend over backwards to return

    Humans are really easy to understand if you think about what makes us tick, gets us excited, scared, angry, etc.  Yes we are emotional beings.  And we only care about ourselves.  I know, someone out there is saying to themselves right now.  I don’t only care about myself.  I put others before myself. Blah, Blah,…

  • HOT BUTTON MARKETING; book summary

    HOT BUTTON MARKETING; book summary

    Hot Button Marketing “Push the Emotional Buttons that get People to Buy.”  This is the ninth book I have read this year on sales and marketing.  What I liked most about this book is that it really gave a lot of examples of how effective marketing works.  Also, as a trainer I have been training…

  • 3 step process to resolve objections

    3 step process to resolve objections

    In almost all sales classes I teach and every time I meet a new sales person, they always love to talk to me about additional training on how to resolve objections.  I guess it should technically be my one of my favorite subjects since so many people and companies buy sales training for this reason…

  • Your responsibility as a salesperson

    Your responsibility as a salesperson

    Last night, I had one of those AHA moments.  If you don’t know what that is, it is when you say, wow I really didn’t understand or know that until just now.  The AHA moment for me when I was conducting my sales class.  I have had many AHA moments over the years, but this…

  • Are these 7 things holding your business back?

    Are these 7 things holding your business back?

    In 2012, Dale Carnegie and associates conducted a study in over 80 countries and across businesses large and small.  This study was conducted to see what the needs were in all of these organizations across the world. The most valuable asset in any company are the people who make up the organization.  A company can…

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