My new favorite drink and other questions I pondered seeking inspiration

We are now well in to the new year. It is day six of 2023. And one of the things I am struggling with his finalizing my goals I want to accomplish in 2023. I have the word document up on my tabs on my computer and I have been looking at it everyday for about two weeks. I have it about 50% complete I guess in my mind.

Today, I thought I would look for inspiration. So I took some questions from a few authors that I read and used these questions as a deeper dive into 2022, with the hopes it provokes some thoughts around 2023.

What word or phrase would define the last year? Firsts. It is the one word that comes to mind. You’ll see in some of the following answers some of the firsts. But to highlight a few of them here. First time going to Europe. First time drinking Prosecco. First time going to Italy. First time investing with a group of investors. First time buying a $500 pair of shoes. First time firing a property management company. First time spending a large amount of money on one on one coaching (mentorship).

What was the best new thing I tried over the last year? Prosecco. Not sure this is a good thing or a bad thing. But it is the best thing I did try last year and I really like it.

If I took over my life from scratch today, what would I immediately stop doing? Worrying about things I can’t control. There are so many examples of this in my life. And I have to stop doing this.

What do I want to spend more time doing this year? Being in groups of like minded people learning and doing the things we love and enjoy.

Where am I waiting for another person to make the first move? To me this question is looking for clarity of where am I procrastinating. I am not sure if it is a person that I am waiting to make the next move, or it is more of me not pursuing my next move because I am too comfortable where I am. I have to create the motivation and inspiration to make the next move myself.

Who do I spend time with that pulls me down? I am not sure this is one individual necessary. It is really more of a by-product of what I do with my my free time. Which is follow the political landscape and culture at large. This is an area that I am not optimistic about and I have spent way too much time listening and watching it.

Who do I spend time with that lifts me up? I hate to say that there isn’t a person that does this, because I have a few people in my life that do this well. But when I am in a group of likeminded individuals whether it be real estate, fitness, personal development, the people in these groups inspire me and lift me up.

Biggest challenge I had over the last year? Things are really comfortable for myself and my wife right now. It is really easy to get comfortable and not pursue the next big thing. I haven’t overcome this challenge. It is something I have to push through each day. Part of doing this exercise is for me is to find the motivation and inspiration that will push me out of my comfort zone this year.

What values and principles were most important over the last year? I think in todays world the value that comes to mind the most is truth and honesty. It seems at every turn in life that we are not getting this from anywhere. So it has become something that I value more and more.

What was the biggest risk I took this year? We invested a very large six figure dollar amount with a group of other people to purchase a piece of real estate. Although real estate is something I do and know a lot about. It was still a risk for us on many levels.

Most grateful for over the last year? I am most grateful for health. For both my wife and myself. We work at it very hard, but we also have been very blessed to not have any major illnesses or sickness.
I am also grateful for the best year we have ever had financially. Individually we both did which means as a couple we also did.

There are only about a million more questions you could ask yourself as you analyze the last year of your life. However, as I went through this exercise I do see some themes and some ideas that I really like and I want to do more of in 2023.

I encourage you to do a deep dive on your last year and make this year the best.

To your success and your future.


One response to “My new favorite drink and other questions I pondered seeking inspiration”

  1. Joe Leonhardt Avatar
    Joe Leonhardt

    Good stuff buddy!

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