3 things you should never apologize for.

If you haven’t noticed lately you must be living under a rock. Because it is pervasive in our culture right now. And that is people apologizing for things they should not be apologizing for.

Look if you have hurt someone or taken advantage of someone.

First: You shouldn’t do that.

Secondly, if you did, then yes you should apologize for it and try not to do it again.

Here are three things that you should never apologize for.

1.Success: I know the entertainment industrial complex likes to demonize business. If you watch many of the shows on tv or in movies and you will see a theme more often than not, that constantly portrays a business owner or the top leader of a company made out to be the bad guy/girl.

The person is shown as being mean to their people or shown as taking shortcuts to help themselves and their business.

During my lifetime working with hundreds of business owners, reading hundreds of business books about business owners, and lastly just knowing the current workplace. I know this just isn’t true.

Creating a successful business is hard. And it can’t be done without people.

You don’t create a successful business without serving the people within the company. It is just too hard. Can there be bad leadership once a company is up and running successfully? Sure. But again, it isn’t the norm and those individuals usually get figured out and ran out. Or people just leave.

As an individual person living your life you should never apologize for your success. You did the work. You put in the time. You did what needed to be done consistency and frequently to get where you are today. If you didn’t you wouldn’t have the success you have today.

I know this is true on a personal level. The success I am reaping today, isn’t because of what I did yesterday or because of what I will do today. It is is what I did a year ago, five years ago, and even tens years ago. And the fact that I have kept doing it for years.

Success doesn’t happen overnight. It is an accumulation and a compounding effect of years of hardwork and dedication. Never apologize for it.

2. The Truth: We see it more than ever in todays world. People lie just to protect someone else. Or in many cases protect themselves. Telling the truth is now a commodity that can be monetized because it is so rare.

I am not talking about the “fake truths” either or the “my truth”. I am talking about the truth, the facts, that are supported by data.

We have such a lack of critical thinking in todays society. It is lazy in many regards, because no body takes the time to go find the facts to support their ideas or opinions. So instead anecdotal narratives are widely distributed as truth. Meanwhile, the real truth is often missed or just overtly ignored.

I have addressed truth in a broader context, but even more important you need it personally. You need people in your life that are willing to tell you the truth as well.

They need to be able tell you:
“Yes, you are being an asshole.”
“Yes, there is another way to look at this.”
“That outfit looks bad on you.”
“Yes, you look like you have gained weight.”
“Your current lifestyle is serving you well.”
“The boy/girl in your life is not good for you.”

These are just a few examples and you could come up with a million more.

Whatever the truth is, people need to hear it, especially if they are not achieving the success they want to achieve in their life.

3. Your Faith: Faith provides us a set of beliefs and values that shape our worldview and guide our behavior. Religious teachings often address fundamental questions about the meaning of life, morality, and human existence. These beliefs and values are core aspects of our identity, our choices, priorities, and interactions with others.

Religion is deeply intertwined with culture, history, and family traditions. Religious identity can be passed down through generations, shaping family dynamics and cultural practices. Faith can come from our cultural heritage, language, and traditions, further solidifying its significance in their identity.

Faith offers a sense of purpose and meaning in life. Believing in a higher power or a divine purpose provides many of us with a framework to understand our existence, find comfort in times of adversity, and strive for personal growth and fulfillment. This sense of purpose can become a central aspect of our identity.

Because faith makes up so much of who we are, we should never apologize for it. Again, as long as your faith doesn’t impede on someone else’s life then you should never apologize for your beliefs.

To your success and your future.

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